
Fine Art Photography Workshops and Tours

Ocean Capture

Ocean Capture

Distance Learning

There are many photography distance learning courses and mentoring programmes on the market today, so when we decided to create our own, the ultimate goal was to be able to offer something unique, specialised and completely bespoke, something that could not possibly be offered anywhere else. Based on Jonathan Chritchley's experiences over 20 years in the fine art photography business, as well as his expertise in brand management and marketing, this programme offers a completely custom designed course, run over a period that suits you, and based entirely on two things – where you are with your photography today and where you realistically want to be at the end of that period.


  • A completely bespoke programme for photographers of all levels – beginner to pro.
  • 4, 8, 26 and 52 week programmes
  • No irrelevant information or time wasting – the programme is designed solely for you.
  • Technical, artistic and marketing advice. 
  • Finding your voice. 
  • Regular scheduled telephone calls and email contact.
  • Projects, regular evaluations & critiques.
  • Website creation and/or editing and updating.
  • Halfway and final full evaluations.
  • Selling prints – the correct route to galleries


1. The first step is a fairly comprehensive set of questions, aimed at gauging your level, strong and weak points, aspirations and interests. This is followed by a lengthy telephone call, prearranged to suit your timing, using the Skype network. This call will help me establish how I can help you in your photographic journey, and enable me, along with the questions you have answered and photographs of yours I have seen, to prepare the bespoke programme that will last for the chosen period.

2. After one week to prepare your programme we will talk again, this time discussing the material and checking that you are happy with the way things are laid out. Then we start!

3. Through a series of projects, information, critiques and discussions we look at every aspect of your photography over the next few weeks – your equipment, your technical knowledge, location choices, your composition, exposures, focussing, image choice, post processing and printing. We discuss software, printers, papers, lenses, cameras – everything you need to talk about we will cover with a series of pre-arranged phone calls. Little by little we tackle every aspect of your photography, with constant feedback and critiquing from me to push you forward. If there are any questions, problems or issues along the way then you can email me or save them until the next scheduled phone call, which are initially weekly. Little by little, using these methods, we iron out the problems and build the strengths – you will see a remarkable improvement in your photography during this time. I may ask you to study a relevant professional photographer’s work and then to recreate his or her style yourself in a short series of photographs. I may set you a project to shoot a particular location near your home, somewhere we may have talked about and that I have studied through Google Earth. I may ask you to prepare a series of photographs all shot at 50mm focal length – these projects and many more will hone your skills in the way I have been doing for the last 14 years running workshops & tours.

4. There will be midway evaluation, to assess your progress and to ensure you are happy with the way things are going.

5. Final Evaluations. At the end of the programme we evaluate your progress, examine your work and cover any last issues you may have. Together we will pick your best photographs from the programme, and we will then prepare a portfolio of these images in digital format.

6. One year after. A final 12 month evaluation of the progress you have made.


How do I get on the programme?

Due to a large amount of enquiries the first step is the contact us with an overview of what you’d like to achieve. I will then decide whether or not I think you will gain from the experience and we’ll take it from there.

What level of photography do I need to have?

As the programme is completely bespoke you can be anywhere from a relative beginner to an advanced photographer wishing to turn professional. The important part is whether you have the passion. 

What equipment do I need to participate?

This very much depends on what you're wanting to acheive. An intial chat with Jonathan will establish whether you have the 'right tools for the job'. He might then recommend certain purchases if he feels you might benefit from that. 

Will I have to buy more equipment once the programme starts?

Not necessarily. There may be certain items Jonathan suggest may suit your particular needs but these will only be suggestions.

Does it matter where I live?

Not in the slightest – city, countryside, by the sea or inland, it makes no difference – any country, any city, town or village across the world – although you will need to speak good English I’m afraid!

I would like to pursue portrait photography – is this the course for me?

I’m sorry but no – unlike most distance learning courses this programme is very specialised, dealing with landscape,seascape, equine and aerial photography only.

How much time will I need to commit to the programme once it starts?

This is completely down to you. You decide how long you would initially like the programme to be based on your budget and/or requirements, but during that period you put in as much or as little as you are able. As with most forms of learning, the more you put in the more you get back but the structure is very much down to you and this will be discussed during our first telephone call. As a rough guide you should allow 8-10 hours per week.

Supposing the unforeseen happens and I can’t complete the programme?

Life is what happens to your plans and sometimes things get in the way – if you have a genuine reason for having to stop then we can look at rescheduling your programme.

Do I get a diploma – does the programme give me any sort of qualification?

No. This is a hands on, real life programme designed to improve your fine art landscape photography – there are no letters after your name, no diplomas, just facts and knowledge.


  • 4 weeks - 1600 euros 
  • 8 weeks - 2700 euros
  • 26 weeks – 5200 euros
  • 52 weeks - 9900 euros
  • 1.5 hour Skype call for reviews & critiques - 240 euros    


By Paypal or bank transfer
Reservation – 800 euro deposit
Balance due 4 weeks before the programme starts

The maximum amount of participants at one time will be 3, so if you’re interested in reserving your space or would simply like to talk to Jonathan about the programme, please contact us .