
Fine Art Photography Workshops and Tours

Ocean Capture

Ocean Capture

Iceland Highlands Expedition

07th - 13th September, 2024

Last Places

Deposit €1,000.00

ICELAND HIGHLANDS PHOTOGRAPHY EXPEDITION. A 6 day expedition to a different planet. Or at least that's what you'd think. The centre of Iceland, only accesible in the summer months due to weather and ground conditions, is truly like nowhere else on Earth. Travelling in an especially adapted 4x4 vehicle with a highly experienced Icelandic driver/guide, you will see some of the most incredible landscapes on the planet; It really is like you're travelling through different film sets; one moment black deserts ringed with equally black volcanic mountains; then next it seems as though the world has been turned bright yellow as a moss specific to this time of year covers the entire area. You'll cross rivers in your vehicle, encounter lava fields, shoot high waterfalls, bright green mountains on black sand... the list of locations is as endless as the opportunities with which you'll be presented.  Led by the incomparable Rachael Talibart, who will inspire you and guide you through this fairytale land of elves and trolls. Great hotels, food and unbelievable locations make this trip a fantastic experience!

  • €5900
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    • Airport Transfers
    • 6 nights' single occupancy accommodation in good quality hotels
    • Breakfasts
    • Travel to and from Reykjavik, Iceland
    • Other meals and drinks not included above.
    • Insurances
  • Flight to Keflavik Airport, Reykjavik, arrive before 16.30 on 07th September, 2024. Depart Keflavik Airport, Reykjavik, depart after 16.00 on 13th September, 2024.
  • 9-15°C, cloudy, some rain, possibility of rain showers and cold wind.
  • 6.15am / 20.30
  • Tour
  • Easy
  • 6